Friday, December 17, 2021

Another Barred Owl...not "Benny the Barred Owl" 12-14-21

 I went out today, Tuesday, 12-14-21, looking for Hoot, the female Great Horned Owl. She hasn’t been hanging out in the main area where I used to consistently find her up until the time she was getting ready to nest last winter. So tonight I went to a different area with only my camera and my 70 -200 mm f/2.8 and a 1.4x teleconverter.

I walked a good distance, but never found her. Although, I found a Barred Owl that I’ve never seen before. I was able to get a couple shots before it flew off in one direction while I continued to go in the opposite direction looking for Hoot. I figured I better continue searching for Hoot, although I didn’t expect to find her after seeing the Barred Owl in this area. After walking awhile it was starting to get late so I turned around and walked back the direction I entered the woods. While walking back in the thick underbrush I thought I heard a screech, but I couldn’t be sure because of the noise caused by the brush rubbing up against my clothes.

After a couple minutes I heard it again and looked over to my left and saw two Barred Owls flying the direction I was now walking. I couldn’t see where they went, but I kept looking for them as I was walking out. Not too far from where I was going to walk out of the woods I spotted one of the Barred Owls. I looked around for the other one before taking any shots, but I didn’t see it. It was close to an hour from the first time I saw the first owl to this owl. I didn’t know at the time if it was the same owl or a different one while I was out in the woods. When I got home I looked on the computer and I believe this is the same owl because there is a hair stuck on its beak in the earlier picture and the last ones.

This Barred Owl isn’t Benny the Barred Owl, my favorite Barred Owl, based upon its behavior and facial features.

On my way out of the woods...

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