Thursday, April 15, 2021

Hoot, Give a Hoot and the Owlets (Great Horned Owls) 04-13-21

Hoot, Give a Hoot and the Owlets…

Great Horned Owls…

Here is the video of Hoot, the female , and the owlets. The images toward the end of the video are of Give a Hoot, the male, on Tuesday, 04-13-21.

I sat out with Hoot for a little over two hours starting at 1630 hrs. She was back on the nest with both owlets when I arrived, although facing away from me. I could only see the one owlet until she moved off the nest at 1753 hrs to perch on a nearby branch. She stayed there until 1839 hrs when she flew off.

Hoot began her wake-up process on the nest starting with lots of preening. When she got off the nest she did more preening, some one legged leg stretches along with some wing stretches. Before she got off the nest she also began some soft squawks that continued until she flew off to do some hunting. I could hear the owlets doing some begging calls.

When I took the photos of Give a Hoot there was a light snow falling. Temperatures were right around freezing with a brisk wind. I only spent a couple minutes with him since he was actively hunting. 


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