Thursday, April 15, 2021

Great Horned Owlets, Lots of Preening 04-14-21

Great Horned Owlets…

Here is the video of Hoot’s owlets on the nest on Wednesday, 04-14-21. I sat with them for about 2 1/2 hours. Hoot was perched and hidden in a tree above the nest, so I wasn’t able to get any photos of her. I took mostly video of the owlets today. I could hear Hoot making some soft squawks after the owlets woke up.

A light rain was falling, then around 1830 hours, it became increasingly heavier and was expected to last another 1 1/2 hours stopping close to sunset. The owlets had already spent about a half hour preening and now they were just laying quietly in the nest.

I decided to go and see if I could find Give a Hoot, the male, since it was raining harder. I didn't expect the owlets to be very active while on the nest until the rain let up.

I located Give a Hoot and I added his photos to the video.

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