Sunday, October 30, 2011


Melissa came to the studio yesterday, Saturday, 10-29-11. We worked mostly inside, but we were able to get a few shots outside behind the studio.

Here are four images...I'll be editing more today.

UPDATE: (11-01-11) You'll find the link to more images of Melissa toward the end of this post after these four images. Thank you Melissa I had fun!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

INsalon 2011 / Ultimate Style Runway Extravaganza

The Minnesota Salon & Spa Professional Association contacted me about photographing the INsalon 2011 event that took place on Sunday, 10-16-11, at the St. Paul River Centre. INsalon is an Upper Midwest Event for Beauty Professionals. Here is the link for more information about INsalon 2011.

In addition, to photographing several events and classes during the day I got to photograph the Ultimate Style Run Extravaganza in the evening. There were seven different salons that were participating in this exciting event!

Although it was a long day for was fun! Below is the link to the two photo galleries...INsalon Day Events & Ultimate Style Runway Extravaganza.

CIIcanoe (Blog)

Border Symmetry Photo Shoot / Afton State Park

Three or four weeks ago I was invited to join via Facebook "Border Symmetry". Here are the "Group Details" by one of the co-leaders Serena Lexington.

This is a networking group of all levels for Models, Photogs, MUAs, Stylists, and Designers. We are based out of the Twin Cities a
rea serving Eastern MN and Western WI-but everyone is welcome to participate. Meeting new people, being creative, connecting, brainstorming, and networking is our focus. Our goal is to create fun, educational, and laid back events that everyone can enjoy:-)

Currently we are working on...

  • Monthly Meet and Greet Meetings: Everyone is encouraged to attend. It's a great opportunity to get together with this group and meet others that are serious about growing in the model/photog industry! This meeting will usually be held on the 1st Thursday night of every month but always watch for the event invite! It may change on occasion:-)
  • Monthly Model Workshops: Fun educational outings put together FOR models BY models!! Our focus is helping you with posing, fashion, safety, networking, health and beauty!! We're a wild group that loves to have fun-SO BE READY!
  • Group Shoots: 1st group shoot is scheduled for Saturday, October 22nd! We hope to plan group shoots of all sizes on a quarterly basis. Don't miss out!!(All group shoots will be TF work)
  • The Crew List: Updated as new members join so don't forget to check it often when you're looking to do a shoot! Please only have your name added to the list if we can count on you for work!

We hope you enjoy the site! Thanks for joining us:-)

Yesterday, 10-22-11, was the first group photo shoot at the Afton State Park. The weather cooperated, although it could have been just a little warmer for the models.

The first shoot had a "Halloween" theme to it. I'm not sure how many attended...I guess I could find out. Well, here is the list put together by Serena.

Adam R. Martini
Al Pike
Alex Nikitsin
Barry Moore
Cedric Dean
Charles W. Ryan II
Chris Sofe
David Fliger
Doug Juenemann
John Magnus
Kelly Bentz
Kelsey Perreault
Nachi Mehta
Tom Frisch
Erin Thigpen
Manish Raichur

Alexandra Sutton
Amber TheEyes
Bibi Nguyen
Brandi Nova Shaw
Chrissy Cradick
Jeremy Gosse
Sara Gilbert
Serena Lexington
Kimberly Robertson

Aaron Rigby-FX MUA
Amanda Cherry-Stylist
Chrissy Cradcik-MUA

And Family:-)

Nachi Mehta who I met at the first "Meet & Greet" asked to shoot with me, so it was us two in our group. We got to photograph four of the models during the day.

I brought a couple different lighting set-ups for the day. Some of the shots were taken using a SB-900 speedlight inside a 28" x 28" Westcott Apollo Softbox. Triggered with Pocket Wizard II. I really like this softbox to use on location shoots.

A few of the other shots were taken with an Elinchrom RX Ranger with an Elinchrom 53" Octabox. Triggered using the Skyport system.

Here are the four models:
BiBi Nguyen....
Amber The Eyes....
Sara Gilbert....
Kimberly Robertson....

I'll have some more images later, but I need to finish editing my images from the INsalon Event and Ultimate Style Runway show held at the St. Paul River Centre last Sunday, 10-06-11.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Reverend Raven & CSAB "Live At Wilebski's Blues Saloon" DVD Cover

On 04-02-11 Reverend Raven & The Chain Smokin' Altar Boys came back to Wilebski's Blues Saloon in St. Paul to shake the house down. In addition, Gerry Francis, would be recording the event for a new DVD.

It was one of the biggest crowd that Wilebski's have had and there were a whole lot of people up dancing to the excellent music. The Reverend and boys always put on a great show.

The DVD has been out for a little while now, but I haven't seen any images of it on-line. Here is what the cover looks like. Images for the DVD were taken at Wilebski's Blues Saloon. I've posted links to two galleries taken of the Rev when he came to Wilebski's in December 2010 and the other gallery was from 04-02-11.

Two different photo Galleries of Rev Raven at Wilebski's:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Minnesota Renaissance Festival 10-02-11

On Sunday, 10-02-11, I went back down to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival for the fourth time this year. There are links to the other images from the other three days toward the end of this post.

It was too nice of a day to go photographing anything indoors. Although it won't be long before I head back into the studio.

Today would be the last day of the festival for the year. There is always something to photograph while walking about the grounds. There were some things I wanted to photograph, but the lighting just wasn't right. Early on I went to the stage where the guys with The Danger Committee were performing, but the sun was causing too many problems for getting a decent shot. I knew later in the afternoon I would be able to photograph them without any problems.

That wasn't the case with the ladies with Caravan of Minnesota. They perform on a stage underneath a large tree, but with the sun shining through the foliage didn't make for ideal lighting conditions. I went back twice to see if the lighting had improved, but it hadn't. Fortunately, I was able to get a couple photographs of them at the closing ceremony.

The link to this day's images is right after the photo!
Minnesota Renaissance Festival 10-02-11

CIIcanoe (Blog)