Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jimmy Thackery & Sena / Fargo Blues Festival

By the time Jimmy Thackery played the bright sun was bearing down on the band. I was right at the stage, but with all the people up close I didn't dare move around in an attempt to get some other shots from other angles.

A lot of the time Jimmy was playing directly in front of me that under normal lighting conditions would have given me the opportunity to possibly get some great shots. Anyways, I got a few of shots. Last year I didn't get many of Jimmy either at the Bayfront Blues Festival because it began to rain hard then the lighting came.

I decided to stay put directly in front of Jimmy and watch him play his guitar. I had the same problem with the sun when Sena Ehrhardt came out on stage to sing with the band.

CIIcanoe (Blog)

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