Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ana Popovic / Big Bull Falls Blues Festival

Last Friday, 08-19-11 I drove to Wausau, Wisconsin to the Big Bull Falls Blues Festival. One of the bands I wanted to see was the Ana Popovic Band. I saw them earlier this year at Famous Dave's in Minneapolis. I wanted to see them play again. It looked like Wausau was going to be the closest they would get to Minneapolis again this year.

Here are the images from Famous Dave's: Ana Popovic Gallery

Unfortunately, because some of the earlier bands played a bit longer, some equipment issues when the "Girls with Guitars" wanted to play...the Ana Popovic Band started 1 1/2 hours later than scheduled. They then only got to play for about 70 minutes before being told to stop.

Since I don't get photo/back stage access passes I have to photograph from the crowd. I was all set up against the barrier, but in front of me was the VIP area with another 10 feet of additional space for people to stand in front of the stage if they wanted. When the other bands were playing most of them were relaxing in their chairs off to the side.

Once Ana and her band began to play this area in front of me quickly filled up. Lets say there were several tall people moving in front of me limiting my shots. I got a few, but not too many. Some images I got had a head, arm or other body part in the image. If I knew ahead of time how this was set up and the number of VIP tickets sold I would have purchased a VIP ticket to be able to photograph without too much problem. I decided not to stay for Saturday's performances even though I had bought my ticket.

Here are three images that I posted on Facebook. I'm posting them here for my non Facebook friends. I'll probably post of few more later on my website, but I'm actually editing images from the Bayfront Blues Festival.

CIIcanoe (Blog)

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