Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lamont Cranston Band the Santiago Shakedown!

Lamont Cranston Band began playing as it was getting dusk. I change to my 50 mm lens to keep my ISO down. I should have left my big lens on and bumped my ISO up. The band members were playing too close to one another so I had a hard time isolating them with the 50 mm. Also, for the first part of the set there were three bucket catching the water that was dripping from the crack in the roof. I had very limited shooting angles.

As's great listening to this band. This was the second time I've seen the new drummer. I saw him a couple months ago when he sat in on a couple songs at Famous Dave's. If I remember correctly back then I think he came from Ft. Myers, FL.

More Lamont Cranston Photos

CIIcanoe (Blog)

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