Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scott Holt Band

On Friday, 04-01-11, I went down to Shaw’s Bar and Grill to see Scott Holt. I’ve seen this band a few times and they always put on a good show. Last night was no different.

It was good to see Dan Eubanks, bass, and Marshal Weaver on drums, again. Lighting Joe Peterson no longer plays keys with the band, but he was one of the guest last night. Lighting Joe was there with his harmonica. Other guest included Jellybean Johnson and Tim O’Brien both playing guitar.

Shaw’s is a small neighborhood bar in NE Minneapolis and they have good bands that play there. I would probably go there more often if the lighting for the stage was better. I always bring my camera when I go listen to music. This bar is the most challenging place where I go to photograph bands.

This is a photographers nightmare in trying to get some good shots. I shoot with an ISO of 3200 to 4000 for most shots. I did bump up the ISO to 6400 for a few shots, but I don’t think I included any. I forgot to check. Over in the area where Dan on bass was standing is always really dark. It also has a very bright red gelled light so if anyone stands right in front of it gets nuked!! I think I included one of these images of Dan in front of the light.

Anyways, here are a few images from last night. Thanks guys for coming back to Minneapolis!

Scott Holt

Quick tune up...
Scott just about ready!

Marshal Weaver

Kim doing what she!
Dan Eubanks in the dark...
Dan turned away from the red gelled light
Pretty dark over there Dan...
This is the image I was talking about if someone stands directly in front nukes them...

Tim O'Brien
Lighting Joe Peterson
Lighting Joe's shoes...
Jellybean's guitar...
Jellybean JohnsonScott's guitar tech for this short tour...

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