Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lamont Cranston

Here are some images I took of Lamont Cranston at the Minnesota Music Cafe in St. Paul on Saturday, 11-27-10.

Lamont is one of my favorite local bands gong back to the 70’s. Although this is a leaner band from it’s earlier years. I still enjoy listening to them. It would have been nice to see Bruce McCabe with them last night. Bruce was playing some shows with Lamont this past summer. I believe Bruce is now concentrating on his new band, Bruce McCabe & The Rich Poor Men.

Lamont took the stage at 09:30 pm. Once they started the first song people made their way to the dance floor. The dance floor was pretty much filled the entire evening. I didn't do much shooting because of it.

Lamont had a couple guest get up and play or sing. First up was a guy from California who played guitar on several songs. I don’t remember the guys name. I should have asked his name when I shook his hand as I made my way out the door.Then Maurice Jaycox got up and sang.

Some friends of mine were going to go to Wilebski’s to see Rubber Soul a Beatles Tribute Band. I decided to go a different direction and go see Lamont Cranston. I’ve never been a big Beatles fan so I really wasn’t interested in seeing the tribute band.

There were a couple more reasons for not going to Wilebski’s. The last two times I’ve gone to Wilebski’s it’s been down right cold. In fact, the last time both my hands and feet were cold. I didn’t do as much moving around to shoot so I never warmed up. I was uncomfortable the entire evening and I wore my winter coat the whole evening. Kim was there in between the times I was there and said the place was warm. I have no idea why the place was that cold those two times.

The other reason is the sound system. I believe there is a blown speaker or a short in one of the speakers on stage left. This doesn’t appear to be fixed since Carl Weathersby was there. I’ve been to Wilebski’s many times and the sound isn’t up to par with other venues. It’s just getting old listening to an inferior sound!

I hope these two issues are given some consideration real soon and fixed!! The speakers there now are the 4th set. When the place opened they had one large speaker hanging from each side of the stage. Then there were two speakers on each side. I believe it was when Scott Holt and Tim O’Brien played that these speakers were replaced with another set. Those were there for a couple weeks before the bank of speaker that are there now.

I plan to go down there this coming Saturday, 12-04-10, to see Reverend Raven and The Chain Smokin’ Alter Boys. Hopefully there will be heat and no problems with the sound system.

I haven’t talked with anyone who went last night to see if the heat was on or how the sound was to comment here. Maybe it was all fixed?


Ted Wilebski sings "My Girl"

Yesterday, 11-25-10, I went to Wilebski's Blues Saloon to see Mojo Buford. I arrived early before the the band Classified began playing. They were actually doing some sound checks. I talked with Ted briefly about the incident from last week-end.

While the band was warming up playing, "My Girl" I saw Ted walk from where we were standing to the stage. Once on stage he then began singing the song. I grabbed my camera and took a few shots. Afterwards, Ted walked casually off stage as he had casually walked on.


Mojo Buford

Mojo Buford played Thursday night, 11-25-10, at Wilebski's Blues Saloon.



Last night, 11-25-10, I went to Wilebski's and saw Cheryl, again. Cheryl is one of "The Wilebski Blues Saloon Ladies". I've added another image of her to the
"The Wilebski Blues Saloon Ladies" gallery on my website.

Thank you, Cheryl!!

I might add another image of Cheryl later and I'll post images of Mojo Buford when I'm done working on them.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bruce McCabe & The Rich Poor Men

Last night, 11-24-10, I went down to Shaw’s Bar and Grill in NE Minneapolis to see Bruce Mc Cabe’s new band named (for now) Bruce McCabe & The Rich Poor Men.

Bruce said they have been practicing a couple months. Tonight was the second time they played. I wasn’t aware they played their first show last week at Shaw’s. This summer someone told me Bruce was going to start a new band and I heard John Franken possibly going to play guitar, but I didn’t hear anything more until a couple days ago.

If you don’t know Bruce he’s been around a while. I first knew of Bruce when he played with Lamont Cranston in the 70’s. I saw them many times at the St. Croix Boom Company in Stillwater , the Cabooze in Minneapolis and many other venues. Bruce also played with The Hoopsnakes, Johnny Lang and most recently Bernard Allison. Bruce also sits in with many other bands. In fact, come on down to Wilebski’s Blues Saloon tonight and he’ll be playing with Mojo Buford. Mojo is another person I saw in the 70’s at the Cabooze.

This was the first time I shot inside the bar area of Shaw’s. The lighting was very, very low. Most of my shots were shot with an ISO 3200. I wasn't too sure how they were going to turn out.

Bruce played some new material, mixed in with a few older ones. The band consists of Bruce McCabe-keys, John Franken-guitar, Mick Massoff-bass and Jeff Rogers-drums.

Sorry Mick you were in the lowest lit part of the stage, so I wasn’t able to get too many shots of you.

Thanks guys! You sounded great!! I had a good time!

More Bruce McCabe & The Rich Poor Men Photos
Bruce McCabe
John Franken

Mick Massoff
Jeff Rogers
(Kim, above and below) Kim and Grace aka "Slick" showed up after attending an event at Wilebski's. Kim sat down on my chair that I must have been saving for her. I asked her if she was going to dance. She said, she had done enough dancing at Wilebski's. Well, the very next song she was up dancing. I got my chair back!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Elinchrom 74" Octa

Today, 11-24-10, I went down to the studio to set up my new light modifier. It's the 74" Elinchrom Octa. I received it from B & H Photo in New York last Friday. I buy just about all my photography equipment from them. They have excellent customer service.

I went down to see how it looked on my Avenger boom stand. This photo of the boom stand is deceiving. This boom stand will go about 16 feet, but I can put it low enough to use this light modifier, also. You'll need a stable stand to use this modifier and this stand doesn't fail in that category.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Carl Weathersby

Carl Weathersby

Carl Weathersby Photos

Wow! Have you ever seen Carl Weathersby! If not, go see the guy. Carl used to play guitar with Albert King years ago. Anyways, it was a real treat listening to him play and sing. The other guitar player had a unique voice that sound excellent as well. Sorry, I forgot his name. He also didn’t lack any facial expressions when he really got into playing his guitar.

Barbara LeShoure got up on stage and sang a couple songs with the band. After Barbara was done singing there were a couple things that marred the evening.

After Barbara left the stage the sound went down hill. Once the microphone that Barbara used was placed back into the stand it all started. It sounded like a blown speaker. I don’t know if that was the problem or not. The mic was exchanged for another one, but the problems continued.

The band decided to take a break to see if the sound problem could be fixed. It wasn’t a pleasurable experience going through another sound check while they were attempting to find out what was causing the problem.

Kim told me that she looked outside and everything was iced covered. I went outside to look for myself. I talked to Carl for awhile out front while watching the cars sliding when trying to stop for the traffic lights. Another person came up and said he attempted to leave, but got about three blocks away before he turned around and came back. Carl told me he was living in East Chicago, but he’s originally from Mississippi. When I decided to go back inside the band had already began to play. The band would play one song then introduce Carl.

It was now about 11:20 or so when I heard the drummer yelling. When I looked around the speakers the drummer had stopped playing. He was standing up and was now yelling and swearing. His rant sounded like it was directed toward the other guitarist. Kim said she has seen the drummer play with another band recently. Although, he looked familiar I couldn’t place him with another band.

The drummer continued to yell while he began taking his cymbals off their stands. He was done playing for the evening. Carl and everyone else started playing the next song without the drummer.

Once the song was completed the drummer began voicing his displeasure at Carl and the other guitarist. The drummer must not be with Carl’s band because he told Carl that “his boy”....meaning the other guitarist.

Kim and I eventually left the building to start our vehicles. After Kim had finished scraping her car windows she loaned her scraper to Carl’s guitarist. Carl eventually came out and the drummer was followed by a couple of Wilebski employees.Ted Wilebski came outside, also. The drummer continued with his rant. I needed to help the guitarist clear the rest of the windows so Kim could get her scraper back.

We went on our way while the rant continued, so I have no idea what happen after we left.

Two hours later I arrived home after traveling the ice covered roads. The drive home normally takes about 35 minutes.

Chuck Ryan Photography

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kimberlie Gilbertson’s Custom Guitar Straps

Kimberlie Gilbertson's Custom Guitar Straps ad will be in the February issue of Vintage Guitar magazine. The magazine will be out in the early part of December. You can pick up a copy at Barnes and Noble or Border Books. I’ll let you know when it comes out.

Better yet, why don’t you call or e-mail her for your order for Christmas. Tell her you saw her ad on Chuck Ryan’s CIIcanoe blog or Facebook.

Kim's website

I took the photo of Mark “Willy” Williams of Good Time Willy at this years Minnesota State Fair. Photos!


Chuck Ryan Photography

Chuck Ryan Photography (Facebook)

Charles W. Ryan II

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Alex Buffalohead

Alex plays keys with Bluedog.


Felonious Bosch & Machinery Hill

Felonious Bosch and Machinery Hill played at the 42nd Avenue Station this past Monday night, 11-15-10. Kim Buell e-mailed me asking me if I was going show. I was working on some images from this past week, but I was able to get them done and posted on my website so I decided to head on down. I missed last week.

Felonious Bosch Go to their website and listen to their new CD, Toybox, that just came out.

Left to right, David Stenshoel, Katy Thomasberg, Steve Clarke (front), Drew Miller (back), Renee Brachi

Machinery Hill
Kim shooting some video!
One of Kim Buell's photo cards.

More Felonious Bosch and Machinery Hill Photos

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


played at Wilebski's Blues Saloon on Saturday night, 11-13-10.

Bluedog were a Nammy winner this year in the 12th Annual Native American Music Awards for Group of the Year. I spoke to Alex, holding the award, who said they just returned from New York after winning the award less than 24 hours earlier. She said she only had two hours of sleep before playing tonight. Congratulations!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cash Box Kings...

played at Wilebski's last Saturday night, 11-13-10. I almost didn't go, but I'm sure glad I did. I had heard some of their older stuff, but I hadn't listened to anything recent. I was pleasantly surprised. I even picked up three CD's.

I've listened to the 2006 release, Black Night Fallin. I like every song. I'm about half way through the 2009 release, Cuttin Heads at the Cuda. So far another excellent CD. I'm saving the newest CD for last, I-94 Blues.

Harold Tremblay sat in and played Harp or as some have called it the "Mississippi saxophone" for a couple songs. Tom Holland drove up from Chicago to play guitar. Tom plays guitar with James Cotton Band.

Cash Box Kings Images

Eric Gales

On Friday, 11-12-10, Eric Gales played at Wilebski's Blues Saloon. His band was the closing act after the Sena Ehrhardt Band.

This was the 3rd time I've seen Eric in about a month . The first time when he got up with Bernard Allison, then when he played with Eddie Kirkland.

Eric Gales Images

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sena Ehrhardt Band...

was back playing at Wilebski's Blues Saloon last Friday night, 11-12-10. They played before Eric Gales. I should have the images posted of Eric Gales tomorrow.

More Sena Ehrhardt Band images

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reverend Raven Framed CD

I stopped by the studio today and hung the CD's of Reverend Raven that I had framed. There is some reflection from the light coming through the front door.

Earlier, blog post.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rochester Women Magazine

Make sure you go out and pick up a copy of Rochester Woman Magazine where Sena Ehrhardt of the Sena Ehrhardt Band is featured in an article, My First Love Is The Blues.

Here is a copy of the Magazine on-line if you can't find a hard copy.

Sena Ehrhardt Band Facebook

I want to add that I shot the photos used for the cover and on the inside of the magazine when Sena and the band played at Wilebski's Blues Saloon a couple months ago.

Here is my original blog post.


Monday, November 1, 2010

More work done at the studio...

On Sunday, 10-31-10, some of us went down to the studio to do a little more work. Andy and I mopped the middle section of the warehouse area. Tom started on some more portable walls. Andy and I finished up on the last three walls while Tom drove to Burnsville and met John who had found a couch and love seat for the studio.

We use these walls to give the model some privacy while shooting when there are other people around. I believe we have 8 of these now, some cream color and black.

John, Tom and Andy (left to right)