Thursday, April 29, 2010

Some night shots from last night....

Last night I went to a meet-up night shoot with the Dynamic Photography group.

Jon Souer was the person who put this meet-up together.

The first picture was one of the photos I took over looking Minneapolis. On my way home I drove through Minneapolis and decided to go down by St. Anthony Falls / Stone Arch Bridge since it was a nice night. I took a few kmore photos there before heading home.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nikon CLS

Last night, Monday, 04-26-10, I went to the Minneapolis Photo Center for a little workshop on Nikon CLS by a couple Nikon Reps. There were several stations to practice. I haven't used TTL before so it was some good practice. I normally shoot my three SB-900 in manual and trigger them with Pocket Wizards.

High speed sync at work, 1/8000, f 5.6

slightly slower speed at 1/2500, f 5.6


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Photowalk at Rice Creek

On Saturday, 04-25-10, the rain had stopped before a scheduled photowalk at 0430 pm. I was at home and saw the walk was going to go on, so I sent a message I would attend.

This photowalk was lead by Craig Mullenbach through the Twin Cities Photography Group.

Here is the link on the information on this walk and other photos.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some behind the scene shots...

at the Jackson Street Roundhouse on Sunday, 04-18-10. See the post below for some actual photographs.

above, Here is Kurt Schumacher, seated, looking at the light from the Alien Bee. He's telling Bill Houlton that the light is too bright.
Bill told Kurt to move so he could see for himself. Yep, you're right, that light is too bright!!
Bill Houlton and Joe Mamer telling secrets or maybe checking the Pocket Wizard out.
Bill Houlton showing Kurt the picture he just took. I decided to take their photo setting off the lights.
Eric, a volunteer at the Jackson Street Roundhouse, is put to work holding a diffuser over Tricia Anne for another group of shooters.
Another Eric, guy f-stop, taking a photo of Tricia Anne. The other Eric's arms must have gotten tired holding the diffuser in the air above Tricia Anne.
