Tuesday, February 16, 2010

E-Mail from "Uncle' Phil Cotton with the Wabakimi Project

The following e-mail was sent to Dave Phillips who I paddled with this year on our trip that I wrote about in our 21 Day Canoe Trip to the "Little North"

When Phil talks about the bound copy of the trip report he's not talking about my on-line version that I wrote. These were the 40+pages of maps consisting of our route and conditions overview, annotated custom map set with field notes, and extensive cross referenced UTM list.


I am now the proud owner of a bound and collated copy of your magnificent trip report. I made a second copy for Barry Simon, our map maker, and will hand it over to him when we meet next month at Canoecopia.

I cannot express my gratitude for this welcome addition to our library of canoe route information. It's invaluable and will certainly help move The Wabakimi Project forward towards its ultimate goal of mapping all of the canoe routes in the Wabakimi area.

I do not have Chuck's e-mail address at hand. Please extend to him my heartfelt thanks for his wonderful participation in this contribution.

We are already entertaining several enquiries from interested 'contributors' for this season. They will have to go far to match your accomplishments. You have certainly set the bar high for them.

If Barry and I can be of any assistance to either of you guys in planning future trips, you have but to ask.

By the way, the reason it's taken so long for me to reply is a combination of ill health on my part coupled with a 5-week absence while on the second phase of my Annual Speaking Tour. To all this, you can add the fact that your report took forever to arrive chez moi as the postal code you used (N6K 2R4) is not mine which is P7C 5A2. The one you used isn't anywhere near Thunder Bay. Oh well, all's well that ends well!

Again, our thanks for your efforts on our behalf. Will we see you and/or Chuck at either Canoecopia in Madison next month or at the Midwest Mountaineering Annual Spring Expo in Minneapolis in mid-April? I sincerely hope so! Then, Barry and I can thank you guys in person.

Kindest regards,

"Uncle" Phil

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