Monday, November 2, 2009

Model Mayhem #1428967

I'm now up on Model Mayhem. It took a little over a week from the time I send them my info to the time I was approved on Friday.

Here is the link: Chuck Ryan Photography

I looked at my page quickly only once before my computer completely died. I knew I needed a new computer but I was hoping it would have lasted a couple more months. I was going to add more info to the site, but now it'll have to wait.

My Dell Computer was six years old. I'm planning on switching over to Apple. I would never buy another Dell computer again, because of their lousy customer service.

I won't be able to order the new computer for a couple more weeks. Then I have to order Photoshop for the Mac platform, etc.

Yesterday I took some photos during a shoot with the Twin Cities Photography Club. I told some of the models about my computer dying so it would be a while before I got them any photos. I will get them to you. Sorry for the delay!


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