Friday, November 13, 2009

2009 Near North Symposium December 5, 2009

I received an e-mail from Joe Conrad this evening. Joe volunteers his time with the Minnesota Canoe Association. He wanted me to let people know about the Minnesota Canoe Association’s 2009 Near North Symposium in cooperation with Midwest Mountaineering.

A travelogue Series of Wilderness Paddling Near or in Minnesota. This is the second go for the “Near North Symposium”. This will be focusing on wilderness trips that are within a day’s drive from the Twin Cities. I went to the last one.

December 5, 2009 from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm

Cowles Auditorium, University of Minnesota Campus.

The speaker are Rob Kesselring and his daughter Zoe, Randy Strobel, Cliff Jacobson, Fred “Jacques” Shermock and Uncle Phil aka Phil Cotton.

Here is a link with more information:2009 Near North Symposium

Some of you are aware Dave Phillips from Virginia and I did a 21 day trip to the “Little North’ in August/September of this year. This covered the Caribou Forest, Misehkow River, Albany River, Wabakimi Provincial Park and the Ogoki Forest. On this trip we documented the route to give to Phil for his future planning with The Wabakimi Project. We gave Phil copies of our maps along with about 100 GPS locations.

I haven’t done my trip report for this trip, but I have one posted on last years 15 day trip to Wabakimi. If you are reading this on my blog look over to the upper right and you’ll see a link. CIIcanoe Canoes Wabakimi.

Prior to leaving on our trip out of Armstrong, ON this year we stayed a couple nights at Wildwater’s B & B. We were told that Rob and his daughter Zoe had stayed there and had paddled Wabakimi Park earlier in the season. I believe it was their first time to Wabakimi.

I’ve met both Rob and Zoe a couple years ago at a Winter Camping Symposium. I also read one of Rob’s books, Daughter Father Canoe. I was thinking of paddling the Snowdrift River at one time.

I’ve seen Cliff several times at different events and at the MCA.


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