Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Last week Chris (Tyrone) of the Flickr MN Strobist group asked me if I was interested in doing a photo shoot with Rachel. I e-mailed Chris back to let him know that I was interested.

Rachel was one of the models that attended Don Giannatti’s Lighting Essentials Workshop about a month ago. I only got to take a few photos of Rachel at the workshop.

On Saturday, 10-10-09, I met Chris where he worked. We then hauled our gear to another building to a conference room where we set up for the shoot. Chris had bought some new gear and wanted to try a few different set-ups.

I had a fun time and Rachel was a joy to photograph.

(above) Chris was showing Rachel how he wanted her to pose. Unfortunately, I was just a split second to slow to show the pose that Chris was doing! I'll just say it had something to do with hips!!


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