Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm Back From the "Little North" Canoe Trip!!!

Dave and I finished our 21 day canoe trip to the “Little North” on Sunday, 09-06-09 at about 1130 am. We came out one day later than planned but we started one day later than expected because we couldn't fly out on time due to the weather. We cut, paddled and portaged our way probably close to 300 miles. The water levels were very high making for some adventures!! There were some long days and longer days, but the trip was an accomplishment.

I have no idea when I will have a trip report posted. I have several things to get caught up on and to do before I start it.

This week-end I have a “Essential Lighting” two day workshop with Don Giannatti. Here are some links:

Lighting Essentials Workshop

Lighting Essentials Website

Flickr Lighting Essentials


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