Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quetico Canoe Racing in July

Here is an e-mail from Chris Stromberg about some information on their canoe races in July.

Here is his e-mail to me:

Hi Chuck

How is your spring going?

I am thinking about canoe races but there is a blizzard going on outside.March is going out like a lion around Atikokan and Quetico Country.

I have been snooping around online and I see there is sites that are listing our big race in August. It is great to see the word is getting out and I am suspecting, much of it is thanks to you and your site.

Although there doesn't seem to be too much out there about our week in racing in July. As you probably know, we are hosting the Ontario Provincials on July 2nd and 3rd following the XY Company's pro race on the 1st.

We are then hoping for a big presence for the Voyageur races on the 4th. I know there are some pretty avid teams out there, but so far we are just hoping that our excitement will get some involvement.

We do have a web site that we are able to post our events on now. and a e-mail address

I'd still like to hook up with the racers in Quebec. Do you have contact info for that group?

Thanks again for posting our races and passing the word around.

Chris Stromberg

Here are the information that Chris sent and I've posted in google docs. Well, for some reason I couldn't upload the following info so I'll copy and paste the information. I will try to put the info in google docs later. Actually it shows the douments are there they just haven't been converted.

Voyageur Canoe Race Registration Form

Race Date: July 4th, 2009
This race is for a mixed six-person team of which 2 must be of the opposite sex.
There will be a list of rules to follow soon.

Race starts and finishes at Dawson Trail Campgrounds beach, across French Lake, down Pickerel River to Pickerel Lake, out to designated buoy or island and return.

There will be tenting area designated for canoe racers but other sites for trailers, RV’s or other accommodations are available by contacting 1-888-Ont-Park or calling Atikokan Chamber of Commerce 1-807- 597-1599

Assumption of Risk: I am aware that there is a potential risk in canoe racing. I am aware that the race is routed through a wilderness environment and the conditions within this environment are never 100 percent safe or controllable. I freely accept and fully assume all risks, dangers and hazards. I hereby agree to waive any and all legal claims against The Friends of Quetico, Quetico Provincial Park employees and any volunteers associated with the Centennial Voyageur Canoe Races.


Participant 1 Signature

Participant 2 Signature

Participant 3 Signature

Participant 4 Signature

Participant 5 Signature

Participant 6 Signature

*Please make $100 Cdn or $85 US per canoe entry fee check payable to “Friends of Quetico Park” and mail all entry forms and checks to:

Chris Stromberg
Ministry of Natural Resources
108 Saturn Avenue
Atikokan, ON, Canada
P0T 1C0

Cross-Quetico Marathon Canoe Race Registration Form

Race Date: August 8-9th, 2009
This race is a for two-person teams only. Please see attached for rules, etc.

Assumption of Risk: I am aware that there is a potential risk in canoe racing. I am aware that the race is routed through a wilderness environment and the conditions within this environment are never 100 percent safe or controllable. I freely accept and fully assume all risks, dangers and hazards. I hereby agree to waive any and all legal claims against The Friends of Quetico, Quetico Provincial Park employees and any volunteers associated with the Cross-Quetico Marathon Canoe Race.

*What is the $100 entry fee put towards? In order to provide accommodation and food at Prairie Portage, there are significant transport costs involved. As well, there is the wrap-up meal on Sunday evening. Any remaining entry fee money will be put toward prizes.

Gear limit: Transportation for your sleeping gear will be provided from Dawson Trail at French Lake, to Prairie Portage and back. We ask that each team’s tent, food, clothes, sleeping bag, Thermarest, etc. fit in an average-sized canoe pack.

Special Dietary Needs: Due to the complicated nature of feeding large numbers of people in a wilderness setting, we ask that, if you have any special dietary needs, that you provide your own food. You can put it in with the rest of your gear, and cooking devices will be available to you. Otherwise, there will be a simple but hearty meal provided at Prairie Portage (i.e. stew or chili, bread, salad). There will also be supper provided on August 9th at Dawson Trail Campground (burgers, salad, dessert).

Racing Category: Male Female Mixed

Name of Participant 1:

Name of Participant 2:


Contact Info:

Signature of Participant 1:

Signature of Participant 2:

*Please make $100 Cdn or $85 US entry fee check payable to “Friends of Quetico Park” and mail all entry forms and checks to:

James Burns
Ministry of Natural Resources
108 Saturn Avenue
Atikokan, ON, Canada
P0T 1C0

Cross-Quetico Marathon Canoe Race: Race Information

Race Location – Start (August 8th, 2009) and Finish (August 9th, 2009)

The race will start at 7 am Central Standard Time at: Main Beach of French Lake, Dawson Trail Campground, Quetico Provincial Park. The race will be a mass start.


Prairie Portage Ranger Station, south end of Quetico Provincial Park. The racers will finish for the evening and will be provided with food and a place to camp. At 7am CST the race will begin again in the morning in another mass start. Their time from the first day of racing will be combined with their time from the second day of racing to determine the overall winner.

Race Rules

Stock class canoes only (see below for details)
Single blade paddles only
Use of GPS navigational tools is not allowed. A Quetico Park map will be given to each team for navigational needs. In addition racers can bring extra maps, compasses, etc. as they see fit.

Race Route

The race course will consist of one loop that goes from French Lake to Prairie Portage and back, via two slightly different routes (see race map). Each team will be required to take the route that runs through Russell Lake and Sark Lake on the way south, and each team will be required to take the route that runs through Agnes Lake and Fern Lake on the way north. There will be two mandatory checkpoints set up on each route for safety and organizational purposes (locations to be determined).

Mandatory Equipment

1 personal flotation device (PFD) per person
1 set of rain gear per person
1 emergency heat blanket per person
1 container waterproof matches per person
1 headlamp per person
Enough food per team for 24 hours
Racers must provide their own camping equipment to be used overnight at Prairie Portage. This equipment will be shipped to Prairie Portage and will not be carried during the race. Each race team should provide event staff with their gear (tent, sleeping bags, thermarests, etc.) in a packsack labeled with the team’s names on it. These packsacks will be handed to each team as they cross the half-way finish line at Prairie Portage. Each team will then be shown where they can set up camp for the night and where the food tent is (supper will b provided at the end of each day. Events and entertainment for the evening are to be determined.


Prizes will be awarded for fastest team (1st through 3rd), fastest women’s team and fastest mixed team provided there are sufficient entries in each category. Other prizes will be awarded as funding permits.

*At this time, race organizers do not have any details as to the prizes available, because we have not yet gathered any race sponsorship. However, we are only starting the process now, and we will be putting a significant amount of time into this event. This race is an important part of Quetico Park’s 100th birthday celebrations and we are sure that many businesses and organizations will feel the same. We are currently in the process of spreading the word about this race, searching for grants, funding, prizes etc. so don’t let the fact that there is nothing concrete yet scare you off; there will be decent prizes for this event.
At the same time, this event is about more than just prize money. This race should be an epic adventure for every team, whether you have paddled hundreds of marathon events or if it is your first. The best parts of this race will be the fact that it takes place in one of the most pristine paddling environments in the world. With or without prizes, we feel that this race will be an unforgettable experience for all participants.

Entry Information

For entry information contact:

Friends of Quetico Park Cross-Quetico Canoe Race
108 Saturn Avenue
Atikokan, ON, Canada
P0T 1C0


James Burns
Assistant Park Planner, Quetico Park
1 807 597 5002


Chris Stromberg
Recreation Planner, Quetico Park
1 807 597 5028

Boat Specifications for the Cross-Quetico Marathon Canoe Race (C-2 Stock Boats)

First, a short explanation as to how we settled upon our boat specs for the race: We wanted to create a race that was open and accessible to all comers, be they veteran marathon racers or first timers, and not everyone owns or can access their own racing boat. We recognize that some may view this as a bastardization of the marathon racing spirit, but so be it. A veteran marathon canoe racer should have no problem stepping in a stock boat and moving it fast. As far as the choice of the NYMCRA specs go, it was chosen because of the relative accessibility of the canoes it allows for, especially in this part of the country. A 17 foot maximum is too restrictive for the most common types of canoes in Northwestern Ontario and northern Minnesota. Hence, we settled upon the NYMCRA specs, which allow for a wide range of commonly used boats to be raced. From there, the choice is yours, and may the best paddlers win…
C-2 Stock, as defined by the New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association
C-2 Stock: Canoes that are built for back country touring but are suitable for racing against similar craft. There are minimal concave lines in the hull and no concave lines in the gunwales. There is no concavity in the longitudinal axis of the hull (bow to stern) and no concavity in the cross section (side to side) below the 7" waterline. One of a kind canoes are not permitted.
Length: Maximum of 18' 6"
Width: A. Minimum at the 4" waterline is 15% of the length. For example: an 18’ 6" length boat must be at least 33 3/8" wide at the 4" waterline. B. Minimum at the 4" waterline and 18" fore and aft of the widest point of the boat is 14% of length.
Weight: No minimum, No maximum
Depth: Minimum depths from the manufacturer: Bow = 17", Center = 12 ½", Stern = 16".
Chine: No hard line transitions in the hull of the boat. Curve of chine must be equal to at least the radius of a softball.
Tumblehome: Maximum of 1" per side.
Only boats in the current Stock list are allowed in the class.
Canoes currently on the C-2 Stock List are:
C-2 Stock: Canoes that are built for back country touring but are suitable for racing against similar craft. There are minimal concave lines in the hull and no concave lines in the gunwales. There is no concavity in the longitudinal axis of the hull (bow to stern) and no concavity in the cross section (side to side) below the 7" waterline.
One-of-a-kind canoes are not permitted.
Length: Maximum of 18' 6"
Width: A. Minimum at the 4" waterline is 15% of the length.
For example: an 18’ 6" length boat must be at least 33 3/8" wide at the 4" waterline.
B. Minimum at the 4" waterline and 18" fore and aft of the widest point of the boat is 14% of length.
Weight: No minimum, No maximum
Depth: Minimum depths from the manufacturer: Bow = 17", Center = 12 ½", Stern = 16".
Chine: No hard line transitions in the hull of the boat. Curve of chine must be equal to at least the radius of a softball.
Tumblehome: Maximum of 1" per side.
Only boats in the current Stock list are allowed in the class.
Canoes currently on the C-2 Stock List are listed below.
By NYMCRA membership vote at the 2006 Annual Meeting the following decision was made: Beginning October 2006 and continuing until October 2011 (5 years) the boats listed here will not be removed from this class.
Acceptance or rejected boats are solely determined by the race committee

Grasse River BoatworksTraveler 17 - 5Traveler 18 -6Monarch (added 2006)

Souris River
Huron (Jensen)
Wilderness 18
Quetico 17

Wenonah Jensen 17'Jensen 18’Sundowner Minnesota II Odyssey Champlain
Escape Escapade

Clipper Canoe
Jensen 17
Jensen 18

Savage RiverSusquehanna


Mad River LamoilleHorizon

(C2 Stock Class Canoe information taken from New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association Website)


The Quetico Atikokan OMcra International Canoe Races

Four fun-packed action filled days of canoe racing located in Atikokan, “the canoeing capital of Canada” and in Quetico Park, celebrating its 100th anniversary.

DAY 1: Wednesday, July 1st
Celebrate Canada Day with the XY Paddle Company’s Annual Pro Canoe Race:
This race, now in its 3rd year, for the “pro class” includes an initial 14 km lake
loop course, then the boats regroup and are sent off in reverse order of finish for
the 14 km pursuit section, the last 11 km which are upstream on a winding river,
finishing in the town of Atikokan. There will be a shorter race for rec canoes.
For information, contact Spencer Meany of the XY Company at 807-597-2320,
Email or Nicole of the Bow to Stern Association at 807-

DAY 2 and 3: Thursday, July 2nd and Friday, July 3rd
The OMCRA Provincial Canoe Racing Championship -see separate sheet for details
These races will be held at the Dawson Trail Campgrounds on French Lake in
Quetico Park (approximately 40 km from Atikokan on Hwy 11). There is plenty of
on site camping (reserve early), a sandy beach, washrooms, electrical hookups. All classes of canoes, kayaks, outriggers are welcome, as are all ages. The course will be a loop course, traversing lake and river, with no portages and no rapids.

DAY 4: July 4th
Celebrate our American neighbour’s birthday with a 15 km North Canoe Race
These races will be in Voyageur (North) Canoes, expecting to attract teams from
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Minnesota, and local teams (including a team of park
rangers that are already in training). The course will be similar to the OMCRA
Provincial Course – out of French Lake. Included after the race will be an
Aboriginal POW WOW and free fish fry – c’mon OMCRA, let’s get a couple of
North Canoe teams together!!!!

Location, location, location:
At the Dawson Trail Campgrounds, French Lake, Quetico Park
This is 161 kms west of Thunder Bay on Hwy 11. (and if you don’t know where
Thunder Bay is, you’ll just have to use Mapquest)…
It is also 40 kms east of Atikokan, the nearest major town (and the site of the XY
Company’s pro canoe race on July 1st).
By canoe, go through Lake Huron and Sault Ste. Marie, travel west on Lake Superior, take Grand
Portage (a short 9 miles), upstream on the Pigeon River, head west and a bit north through many
lakes and portages, you should get there before freeze up (you’ll need your passport, too)
Thursday, July 2nd and Friday, July 3rd

Where to stay:
Camp sites (both for tents and for trailers) are available at the Dawson Trail
Campgrounds – but, because this is within a provincial park, you need to
reserve early – Ontario Parks policy to that they start accepting reservations for
campsites exactly five months prior to the date you want the site – i.e. if you
wanted to drive up on the weekend before (a leisurely drive along the beautiful
north shore of Lake Superior), and arrive on Sunday June 28th, you should call
(1-888-ONT-PARK or 1-888-668-7725) or reserve on line early on the morning of January 28th.
For those of you seeking more genteel lodgings (B&B’s or motels), contact the
Atikokan Chamber of Commerce (1-888-334-2323) or

Early registration will be held in Atikokan on July 1st at the end of the XY
Company’s Pro Race
Registration will be held at the start of each race day (July 2nd and July 3rd) at the
race site (Dawson Trail Campground, French Lake, Quetico Park)
Fees: Single race (adult) - $15.00
Weekend : adult - $40.00, family - $55.00, junior - $10.00, under 14 – free
Non OMCRA members will also be charged $5.00 per day for insurance.
You must be an OMCRA member to be eligible for provincial
championship medals, and for the TRAVEL EXPENSE draw!!!!
(OMCRA membership is only $40.00 for adult).

Age categories: (age as of January 1st, 2009):
Peewee – 7 and under Master 1 – 40 and over
Bantam – 13 and under Master 2 – 50 and over
Junior – 17 and under Master 3 – 60 and over
Senior – 18 and over (for adult C2 of mixed ages, the younger age determines class)
The course:
A loop course starting and ending in front of the beach at Dawson Trail Campgrounds, French Lake, Quetico. The longer races will head across French Lake (about 3 km), down a winding river (about 1.5 km), and then into Pickerel Lake, traveling down the lake to the first major island (about 5 km), then head back. The men’s and mixed C2 races will have an extra 2 km loop at the end around an island in the middle of French Lake, and the short races (peewee, bantam, North Canoe) will just do the 2 km loop around the island.

The preliminary schedule (additional classes can be added as necessary):

Thursday, July 2nd

0800 to 09:00 – registration on site (note – local time will be Central Daylight Time)

1000 hours C2 Rec Male, Female Jr, Sr, Mr 18 km

1010 hours C1, K1, OC1 Male Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 18 km

1020 hours C2, K2, OC2 Female Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 18 km

1330 hours C1, K1, OC1 Male, female Bantam 2 km

1500 hours C1, K1, OC1 Female Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 18 km

1510 hours C2, K2, OC2 Male Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 20 km

Friday, July 3rd

0800 to 0900 hours – registration on site

0930 hours C2 Rec Mixed Jr, Sr, M 18 km

0940 hours C2, K2, OC2 Mixed Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 20 km

1300 hours C2 Male, Female, Mixed Bantam 2 km

1400 hours North Canoe TBA any 2 km

1500 hours C2 Adult/Peewee, Adult/Bantam, Adult/Junior 2km

1700 hours – Awards Presentations and Draw for Travel Expense – in view of the travel
distance involved, and the expense to OMCRA members, $600 has been
donated, which will be drawn as a random draw – first draw $100, second
draw $200, and third and final draw $300. To be eligible to win, you must
be an adult OMCRA member, have traveled at least 800 km from your
full time place of residence, and be present at the awards ceremony.

For further information, contact:
OMCRA – Wayne Gregory – 905-454-4984 –
Quetico Park Office – Chris Stromberg – 807-597-5028 -

I'm sure some of the above will not be formatted correctly once I post this. Hopefully, I'll be able to link this info in google docs soon.


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