Sunday, February 15, 2009

Updated Information: Events & Canoe Races in Quetico

Canoe News:

I received an e-mail from Chris Stromberg with Quetico Provincial Park Here is his e-mail:

“Hello Chuck

So it seems your site is getting traffic (including my superiors from southern Ontario) and the word is getting out about our year of events. It has been pointed out to me a couple of irregularities in dates or days on the list since sending it to you, so I have refined it. I thought I'd send it on to you.

Along with the event list I have added information on races as well as an inspirational (racing)article from a co-worker.

I see you have another passion on the go and new pages added to your site so don't feel you have to post any of this, I just thought I'd keep you updated.

If you get a chance read the article "RD version" about the ol' Atikokan/Ely race.

Fred and Micki Rayman are in town this week and Dan Litchfield and Roger Pekuris are coming tomorrow so I will be getting my exercise this week.

Hope you are having a good winter

Keep in touch


Quetico Provincial Park’s Centennial Events

Tentatively planned events pending confirmation of instructor(s)’ participation or
Multi Event weekends are framed and shaded
For info call 1-(807)-597-2735 or e-mail


Saturday, January 3, 2009
Candlelight Ski – Dawson Trail Campgrounds’ Ski Trails

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sawmill Lake Tour – Quetico Trails
Register now with the Beaten Path Nordic Ski Club in Atikokan to take part in this one day adventure at Quetico’s Dawson Trail Campgrounds. This is a friendly individual challenge for you to enjoy the winter wilderness of Quetico Provincial Park.
Contact Chris Stromberg (807) 597-4503, e-mail or visit the website

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Centennial Snowshoe Trek – Dawson Trail Campgrounds
Join the Park Naturalist on a historic trek through the trails at Dawson Trail. Picture the figures of yore while marching through glistening snow. Contact the park for more details: (807) 929-3141ext.228 or 597-2735.


Saturday, February 14, 2009
Trans-Canada Trail Ribbon Cutting
Join the Beaten Path Nordic Ski Club and Quetico Provincial Park’s Staff in a snow-shoe trek on the new section of trail. Catch the ribbon cutting of another leg of the Trans-Canada Trail to mark the occasion. (807)-597-2735
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Chocolate Cup Challenge
Join The Beaten Path Nordic Trails on their annual cross country skiing event.
Fun for the entire family: Contact Janice (807) 597-1561 for event updates and further information.

Saturday, February 21 Frosty February Come on out to Dawson Trail and learn to love winter! Winter camping workshops, ice skating, bonfire, children’s snow sculpture, skiing, snowshoeing, igloo-building and traditional games like snow-snake will be held for your enjoyment. Sleigh rides will be offered pending permission. Contact the Park at (807)-597-2735 for event updates and further information.
February 21 and 22
Snowshoe Building Workshop 807-929-3141 ext.228


(Feb 27th to Mar. 3rd)
International ski trip
USFS and Quetico Staff

Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Beaten Path’s 8th Annual Cross Quetico Lakes Ski Tour
Experience the beauty of Quetico’s winter wilderness with a friendly ski tour. Choose from a 35, 45, or 55 km tour and ski, mush or skijor across Quetico’s beautiful lakes. The tour is organized by the Beaten Path Nordic Trails in cooperation with Quetico Provincial Park.
Contact Chris Stromberg (807) 597-4503, e-mail or visit the website

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ski to The Castle
A 50 kilometre ski across Clearwater and White Otter Lakes. Snowmobile assisted to help less experienced skiers. Contact Peter Burton (807)-597- 4306


*Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Quetico’s 100th Birthday Celebration
Cut the cake with Quetico Park’s staff. Meet and greet Gary and Joannie McGuffin, wilderness advocates and adventurers. View Kevin Callan’s latest film featuring Quetico. Join us in celebrating 100 years of wilderness preservation. (807)-597-5018

Saturday April 25th 2009
Annual Group Paddle down the Atikokan River
6 hour leisure paddle to celebrate the start of the canoeing season 807-597-4503


Saturday, May 15th, 2009
Official opening of the entry stations


Friday June 12th to July 13th
Hunter Island Loop Challenge
Self navigated 232 kilometre route to challenge your limits
Call for info 807-597-2735

Sunday, June 14, 2009
National Rivers Day
Celebrate the announcement of the all-Canadian fur trade route becoming the latest addition to the National Heritage River system. An evening film will be shown at the Teaching Place, Dawson Trail Campgrounds, depicting the voyageur era.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Summer Solstice Paddle
Join the Park Naturalist and interior park staff traveling from French to Nym Lake under the light of the sun and moon! This event is weather permitting. To register or for more information, please call (807) 929-3141 ext. 228.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
National Aboriginal Day
Listen to legends from the peoples of the past and present. Young visitors can create their very own dream catcher and spirit name.

Tuesday June 30, 2009
Quetico Park’s Staff Reunion Kick-off
Meet and Greet
French Lake (Dawson Trail Campgrounds) *Quetico Alumni Reunion*
Call 807-597-5028 or 597-2735


July 1-18
Canoe the Heart of the Continent Centennial Voyage. Celebrate Ontario and Minnesota history, Quetico’s Centennial and build awareness of the coalition “HOCP partnership”. North Canoe Voyage around the neighbouring Parks and recreational areas . Contact Rich Kelley 612 333-1858

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Canada, Quetico Style
Join in the parade of canoes celebrating Canada’s birthday down the mighty Atikokan River.
Join as spectators or participators in XY Company’s “30km Pursuit marathon canoe race” Steep Rock Lake and up the Atikokan River. Both events finishing at Legion Point in Atikokan.
Women’s Golf Tournament
Little Falls Recreation Centre *Quetico Alumni Reunion*

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Men’s Golf Tournament
Little Falls Recreation Centre *Quetico Alumni Reunion*
OMCRA 20km. (Provincials) marathon canoe race- French Lake (807)-597-2735

Friday, July 3 – Sunday, July 5, 2009
OMCRA (Provincials) Marathon canoe race- French Lake ( 2nd half)

Quetico Park’s Staff Reunion Weekend
Dinner Banquet Little Falls Recreation Centre *Quetico Alumni Reunion*
807-597-5028 or 597-2735 E-mail-

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Voyageur Canoe Races and Pow-wow/Fish fry
Race back in time paddling Voyageur canoes from French to Pickerel Lake and return. A shorter race route for the less experienced but all races should be rather competitive and adventurous!
Contact 807-597-5028 until May then 807-929-3141 ext.228

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Paddle Your Neighbour’s Canoe and Kayak Symposium
Ever wonder what a marathon canoe would be like to paddle? Want to try a sea kayak?
This a day at the beach with instructional clinics, exhibitions and demonstrations
Come on out and play in the water at Dawson Trail Campgrounds. Call (807) 929-3141 ext. 228 for further information. E-mail-

Fri.-Sat. July 17,-18 2009
Thunder Bay Dragon Boat Festival
USFS and Quetico Staff

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Parks Day
Welcome stargazers, amateur astronomers and nighthawks! Learn about the changes in the skies through time. Listen to the legends surrounding our native constellations.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Triple P Triathlon
Come participate in a fun triathlon that includes paddling, pedalling, and pounding (trekking) Contact Julie Slack (807)-597-6871

Saturday, July 25 – Sunday, July 26, 2009
Souris River Canoe Challenge
Take on the challenge! This is a wonderful event to meet like-minded individuals enthusiastic about paddling and the wilderness of Quetico. Contact Keith and Arlene at (807) 597-1292.


Friday, July 31 – Monday, August 3, 2009
Arts in the Park Weekend- log Cabin area, Dawson Trail Campgrounds
Discover your creative self and join us for a weekend of art in the park. Register for workshops in pine needle basket-making, watercolour, papermaking and finger-weaving. Join us in the official opening of our new lakeshore hiking and snowshoeing trail while taking in a natural art gallery exhibition. Catch the music of Jim ‘n’ I and other artists from the region.

August 8- 29 -Pictograph Gallery – Atikokan – Open Juried Art Exhibition
Local Artist competition inspired by Quetico’s centennial 807-597-4344

Saturday, August 8 – Sunday, August 9, 2009
*Centennial Canoe Race*
The return of a legendary cross Quetico marathon canoe race.
Stock canoes* self navigated*120 miles over lakes, portages, rivers, and creeks through Canada’s finest canoeing Park.
Register to participate in a race from French Lake to Prairie Portage, (over-nighting at Prairie Portage) and returning to French Lake the next day.
Call for info- 807-597-5028 until May then 807-9293141 ext. 228

Saturday, August 8 – Sunday, August 9, 2009
Children’s orienteering workshop will be help on Saturday teaching map, compass and GPS skills. These newly-acquired skills will be tested the following day during an interactive scavenger hunt like Quetico has never seen before! For further information, please call (807) 929-3141 ext. 228.

August 21st, -22nd
Lake Superior Dragon Boat Race
USFS and Quetico Staff

Friday, August 21st and Saturday, August 22nd
Quetico will be hosting the Royal Astronomical Society; Thunder Bay Chapter. Ted Bronson and Dave Gallant will be delivering presentations on stargazing. High powered telescopes will be used to view the skies later on in the evenings. 807-9293141-ext.228

Sept. 4-6 2009 Pictograph Centennial Canoe trip (Hosted by Park Naturalist)
Quetico100th@ontario.c (807)-929-3141-ext. 228

September 19th 2009
“Quetico 100”
100 km. group road bike ride
Contact Earle Arnold 807-597-8776


Cross Quetico Classic Marathon Canoe Race Returns for Centennial Year
Story by- James Burns

“The legend lives on from the old racers on down, of the big race they called Atikokan-to-Ely. The race it was said wasn’t worth too much bread, and the weather could often be gloomy.”
Gordon Lightfoot aside, the Atikokan-to-Ely marathon canoe race is back! This legendary race took place in the 60’s and attracted some of the best paddlers in the world for the three consecutive years that it was held. Though the race itself has not taken place for almost 50 years the stories and rivalries from this race live on, giving some indication of the energy and emotion generated by the event.

Before getting into the details of what will be happening in Quetico Park regarding a centennial marathon canoe race this summer, a brief history of the event is in order. The Atikokan-Ely race was put on by the Atikokan and Ely chambers of commerce from 1962-64 in order to boost the profile of their respective communities and to draw attention to the paddling mecca that is Quetico Park and the BWCA of Superior National Forest. The first year that it was held it was won by two of the best known marathon paddlers of all time, Gene Jensen, a world-renowned canoe designer and inventor of the bent-shaft paddle, and Irvin “Buzz” Peterson, both from Minneapolis, MN. In 1963, the race was won by a local Ely man, Don Beland, and Ralph Sawyer, of the world-renowned Sawyer canoes. The third and final year of the race it was won by two Atikokanites. Eugene “Bonhomme” Tetreault and Joe “Sauvage” Meany created quite a controversy in their victory by cutting the two portages that now bear their nicknames. Not only did the team cut the new portages, but they cut false trails off the portages that would mislead the teams who hadn’t been down the trails before.

Nevertheless, Meany and Tetreault won the last of the Atikokan to Ely races and their reputation in canoe racing in the area was secured. To this day, their names are synonymous with canoe racing in northern Ontario.

The year 2009 marks Quetico Park’s 100th birthday and, as such, the park is putting on events celebrating its heritage. The cross-Quetico marathon canoe race is one of these events. The event will begin at French Lake and the turnaround point will be Prairie Portage, on Basswood Lake. The paddlers are free to take any route that they wish to accomplish this journey of roughly 95 kilometres each way. There will be a mandatory overnight stop at Prairie Portage where the racers will be fed and accommodated in tents. They will start off again early in the morning to finish back at French Lake late that same day. The race, in the true tradition of marathon-style racing, will be a grueling endurance contest controlled as much by the elements of the Quetico wilderness as by the racers themselves.

The return of the race across Quetico should offer serious paddlers the opportunity to test their mettle against some extremely competitive and talented paddlers. In addition, this race should encompass the true meaning behind celebrating the 100th anniversary of Quetico Park. The chance to race the same route as former greats such as Jensen, Sawyer and Meany in such a unique environment will rekindle the spirit of adventure, competition and camaraderie that was present almost 50 years ago in the Quetico-Superior area. While the technology that today’s paddlers use has changed drastically over the last 50 years, the lakes and portages and wilderness environment have remained unchanged. The rock cliffs and boulder strewn shorelines of Quetico that were navigated first by the First Nations people, the Voyageurs, and then by Meany and company will be the same places that modern day racers will have the chance to navigate through. No doubt that many teams nearing the end of the journey will have become so tired that, if they listen closely enough, the sound of Buzz Petersen and Jean Jensen’s hut cadence will be barely audible on the evening breeze, rapidly slipping up into their wake, preparing to blow past them.


Canoe Races in Atikokan/Quetico

Hello Fellow Paddlers
For those of you that have heard from me previously and are tired of hearing from me, I apologize, but I am excited about how this up and coming year of events are unfolding and I would like to give you some updates before you settle in to cozy holiday place with visions of sugarplums instead of canoes dancing in your heads.
If anyone is unaware, Quetico Provincial Park will be celebrating its’ 100th birthday in 2009 and the staff is excited about hosting a year of events.
If you call yourself a paddler and you are unfamiliar with Quetico you are missing out on what could be called the finest flat water canoeing destination in the world.
We are starting our festivities in January with snow-shoeing, igloo building, ski tours and everything winter. For those of you that are skiers we host a number of unique annual tours that have become anticipated events for skiers from all around the area and you should contact me to hear about the details.
But I am sending this message out to paddlers, and so I will get to the point, because I know…Christmas is coming.
The Hunter Island loop challenge. We will be putting on paddle symposiums, “paddle your neighbour’s canoe” with paddling clinics and demonstrations and participants are asked to bring all their boats to the beach at French Lake and try out each other’s different kayaks and canoes. Again for you racers, I will get to the point.
We have an entire week of races in Atikokan and Quetico this year starting with:
July 1st -Canada Day Canoe Parade
-XY Company’s 30 Km Pursuit – Pro marathon canoe race-Steep Rock Lake and Atikokan River (annual favourite)
July 2nd- Ontario Provincials-OMCRA- marathon canoe race- French Lake and Pickerel Lake and River, Quetico Park
July 3rd - Ontario Provincials- OMCRA- 2nd half
July 4th- Voyageur Festival- 20km Voyageur Canoe Race- French Lake Beach to Pickerel Lake and return
July 5th- Paddle Your Neighbour’s Canoe Symposium – French Lake Beach
I am inviting canoeists to bring their racing boats, find a voyageur canoe, round up a team and come for a week of canoeing and celebrations.
For the extreme marathon adventurer we will be hosting another race in August 8th and 9th that will wet the appetite of any long distance marathon canoeist as well as anyone familiar with the legendary Ely – Atikokan race that was held in the 1960’s.
Originally the race went from Ely, Minnesota through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and Quetico Provincial Park to Atikokan, Ontario.
It was held for 3 consecutive years and became famous among hard core marathon paddlers.
The Cross Quetico Marathon Canoe Race will be 120 miles (almost 200 kilometres) of self navigated wilderness racing.
Because of strict border issues and BWCAW regulations we are going to hold the race entirely in Canada from French Lake to Prairie Portage (entry to Quetico on the U.S. border) overnight and return.
I know that marathon canoeing is a tight little culture and I am hoping that everyone receiving this will help spread the word.
Please drop me a note to let me know that you have received this message and would like to continue to get updates.

Thanks and Happy Holidays

Chris Stromberg
Recreational Planner
Quetico Provincial Park


Cross-Quetico Marathon Canoe Race: Race Information

Race Location – Start (August 8th, 2009) and Finish (August 9th, 2009)

The race will start at 7 am Central Standard Time at: Main Beach of French Lake, Dawson Trail Campground, Quetico Provincial Park. The race will be a mass start.


Prairie Portage Ranger Station, south end of Quetico Provincial Park. The racers will finish for the evening and will be provided with food and a place to camp. At 7am CST the race will begin again in the morning in another mass start. Their time from the first day of racing will be combined with their time from the second day of racing to determine the overall winner.

Race Rules

Stock class canoes only (see below for details)
Single blade paddles only
Use of GPS navigational tools is not allowed. A Quetico Park map will be given to each team for navigational needs. In addition racers can bring extra maps, compasses, etc. as they see fit.

Race Route

The race course will consist of one loop that goes from French Lake to Prairie Portage and back, via two slightly different routes (see race map). Each team will be required to take the route that runs through Russell Lake and Sark Lake on the way south, and each team will be required to take the route that runs through Agnes Lake and Fern Lake on the way north. There will be two mandatory checkpoints set up on each route for safety and organizational purposes (locations to be determined).

Mandatory Equipment

1 personal flotation device (PFD) per person
1 set of rain gear per person
1 emergency heat blanket per person
1 container waterproof matches per person
1 headlamp per person
Enough food per team for 24 hours
Racers must provide their own camping equipment to be used overnight at Prairie Portage. This equipment will be shipped to Prairie Portage and will not be carried during the race. Each race team should provide event staff with their gear (tent, sleeping bags, thermarests, etc.) in a packsack labeled with the team’s names on it. These packsacks will be handed to each team as they cross the half-way finish line at Prairie Portage. Each team will then be shown where they can set up camp for the night and where the food tent is (supper will b provided at the end of each day. Events and entertainment for the evening are to be determined.


Prizes will be awarded for fastest team (1st through 3rd), fastest women’s team and fastest mixed team provided there are sufficient entries in each category. Other prizes will be awarded as funding permits.

*At this time, race organizers do not have any details as to the prizes available, because we have not yet gathered any race sponsorship. However, we are only starting the process now, and we will be putting a significant amount of time into this event. This race is an important part of Quetico Park’s 100th birthday celebrations and we are sure that many businesses and organizations will feel the same. We are currently in the process of spreading the word about this race, searching for grants, funding, prizes etc. so don’t let the fact that there is nothing concrete yet scare you off; there will be decent prizes for this event.
At the same time, this event is about more than just prize money. This race should be an epic adventure for every team, whether you have paddled hundreds of marathon events or if it is your first. The best parts of this race will be the fact that it takes place in one of the most pristine paddling environments in the world. With or without prizes, we feel that this race will be an unforgettable experience for all participants.

Entry Information

For entry information contact:

Friends of Quetico Park Cross-Quetico Canoe Race
108 Saturn Avenue
Atikokan, ON, Canada
P0T 1C0


James Burns
Assistant Park Planner, Quetico Park
1 807 597 5002


Chris Stromberg
Recreation Planner, Quetico Park
1 807 597 5028

Boat Specifications for the Cross-Quetico Marathon Canoe Race (C-2 Stock Boats)
First, a short explanation as to how we settled upon our boat specs for the race: We wanted to create a race that was open and accessible to all comers, be they veteran marathon racers or first timers, and not everyone owns or can access their own racing boat. We recognize that some may view this as a bastardization of the marathon racing spirit, but so be it. A veteran marathon canoe racer should have no problem stepping in a stock boat and moving it fast. As far as the choice of the NYMCRA specs go, it was chosen because of the relative accessibility of the canoes it allows for, especially in this part of the country. A 17 foot maximum is too restrictive for the most common types of canoes in Northwestern Ontario and northern Minnesota. Hence, we settled upon the NYMCRA specs, which allow for a wide range of commonly used boats to be raced. From there, the choice is yours, and may the best paddlers win…
C-2 Stock, as defined by the New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association
C-2 Stock: Canoes that are built for back country touring but are suitable for racing against similar craft. There are minimal concave lines in the hull and no concave lines in the gunwales. There is no concavity in the longitudinal axis of the hull (bow to stern) and no concavity in the cross section (side to side) below the 7" waterline. One of a kind canoes are not permitted.
Length: Maximum of 18' 6"
Width: A. Minimum at the 4" waterline is 15% of the length. For example: an 18’ 6" length boat must be at least 33 3/8" wide at the 4" waterline. B. Minimum at the 4" waterline and 18" fore and aft of the widest point of the boat is 14% of length.
Weight: No minimum, No maximum
Depth: Minimum depths from the manufacturer: Bow = 17", Center = 12 ½", Stern = 16".
Chine: No hard line transitions in the hull of the boat. Curve of chine must be equal to at least the radius of a softball.
Tumblehome: Maximum of 1" per side.
Only boats in the current Stock list are allowed in the class.
Canoes currently on the C-2 Stock List are:
C-2 Stock: Canoes that are built for back country touring but are suitable for racing against similar craft. There are minimal concave lines in the hull and no concave lines in the gunwales. There is no concavity in the longitudinal axis of the hull (bow to stern) and no concavity in the cross section (side to side) below the 7" waterline.
One-of-a-kind canoes are not permitted.
Length: Maximum of 18' 6"
Width: A. Minimum at the 4" waterline is 15% of the length.
For example: an 18’ 6" length boat must be at least 33 3/8" wide at the 4" waterline.
B. Minimum at the 4" waterline and 18" fore and aft of the widest point of the boat is 14% of length.
Weight: No minimum, No maximum
Depth: Minimum depths from the manufacturer: Bow = 17", Center = 12 ½", Stern = 16".
Chine: No hard line transitions in the hull of the boat. Curve of chine must be equal to at least the radius of a softball.
Tumblehome: Maximum of 1" per side.
Only boats in the current Stock list are allowed in the class.
Canoes currently on the C-2 Stock List are listed below.
By NYMCRA membership vote at the 2006 Annual Meeting the following decision was made: Beginning October 2006 and continuing until October 2011 (5 years) the boats listed here will not be removed from this class.
Acceptance or rejected boats are solely determined by the race committee

Grasse River BoatworksTraveler 17 - 5Traveler 18 -6Monarch (added 2006)

Souris River
Huron (Jensen)
Wilderness 18
Quetico 17

Wenonah Jensen 17'Jensen 18’Sundowner Minnesota II Odyssey Champlain
Escape Escapade

Clipper Canoe
Jensen 17
Jensen 18

Savage RiverSusquehanna


Mad River LamoilleHorizon

(C2 Stock Class Canoe information taken from New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association Website)



The Quetico Atikokan OMcra International Canoe Races

Four fun-packed action filled days of canoe racing located in Atikokan, “the canoeing capital of Canada” and in Quetico Park, celebrating its 100th anniversary.

DAY 1: Wednesday, July 1st
Celebrate Canada Day with the XY Paddle Company’s Annual Pro Canoe Race:
This race, now in its 3rd year, for the “pro class” includes an initial 14 km lake
loop course, then the boats regroup and are sent off in reverse order of finish for
the 14 km pursuit section, the last 11 km which are upstream on a winding river,
finishing in the town of Atikokan. There will be a shorter race for rec canoes.
For information, contact Spencer Meany of the XY Company at 807-597-2320,
Email or Nicole of the Bow to Stern Association at 807-

DAY 2 and 3: Thursday, July 2nd and Friday, July 3rd
The OMCRA Provincial Canoe Racing Championship -see separate sheet for details
These races will be held at the Dawson Trail Campgrounds on French Lake in
Quetico Park (approximately 40 km from Atikokan on Hwy 11). There is plenty of
on site camping (reserve early), a sandy beach, washrooms, electrical hookups. All classes of canoes, kayaks, outriggers are welcome, as are all ages. The course will be a loop course, traversing lake and river, with no portages and no rapids.

DAY 4: July 4th
Celebrate our American neighbours birthday with a 15 km North Canoe Race
These races will be in Voyageur (North) Canoes, expecting to attract teams from
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Minnesota, and local teams (including a team of park
rangers that are already in training). The course will be similar to the OMCRA
Provincial Course – out of French Lake. Included after the race will be an
Aboriginal POW WOW and free fish fry – c’mon OMCRA, let’s get a couple of
North Canoe teams together!!!!

Location, location, location:
At the Dawson Trail Campgrounds, French Lake, Quetico Park
This is 161 kms west of Thunder Bay on Hwy 11. (and if you don’t know where
Thunder Bay is, you’ll just have to use Mapquest)…
It is also 40 kms east of Atikokan, the nearest major town (and the site of the XY
Company’s pro canoe race on July 1st).
By canoe, go through Lake Huron and Sault Ste. Marie, travel west on Lake Superior, take Grand
Portage (a short 9 miles), upstream on the Pigeon River, head west and a bit north through many
lakes and portages, you should get there before freeze up (you’ll need your passport, too)
Thursday, July 2nd and Friday, July 3rd

Where to stay:
Camp sites (both for tents and for trailers) are available at the Dawson Trail
Campgrounds – but, because this is within a provincial park, you need to
reserve early – Ontario Parks policy to that they start accepting reservations for
campsites exactly five months prior to the date you want the site – i.e. if you
wanted to drive up on the weekend before (a leisurely drive along the beautiful
north shore of Lake Superior), and arrive on Sunday June 28th, you should call
(1-888-ONT-PARK or 1-888-668-7725) or reserve on line early on the morning of January 28th.
For those of you seeking more genteel lodgings (B&B’s or motels), contact the
Atikokan Chamber of Commerce (1-888-334-2323) or

Early registration will be held in Atikokan on July 1st at the end of the XY
Company’s Pro Race
Registration will be held at the start of each race day (July 2nd and July 3rd) at the
race site (Dawson Trail Campground, French Lake, Quetico Park)
Fees: Single race (adult) - $15.00
Weekend : adult - $40.00, family - $55.00, junior - $10.00, under 14 – free
Non OMCRA members will also be charged $5.00 per day for insurance.
You must be an OMCRA member to be eligible for provincial
championship medals, and for the TRAVEL EXPENSE draw!!!!
(OMCRA membership is only $40.00 for adult).

Age categories: (age as of January 1st, 2009):
Peewee – 7 and under Master 1 – 40 and over
Bantam – 13 and under Master 2 – 50 and over
Junior – 17 and under Master 3 – 60 and over
Senior – 18 and over (for adult C2 of mixed ages, the younger age determines class)
The course:
A loop course starting and ending in front of the beach at Dawson Trail Campgrounds, French Lake, Quetico. The longer races will head across French Lake (about 3 km), down a winding river (about 1.5 km), and then into Pickerel Lake, traveling down the lake to the first major island (about 5 km), then head back. The men’s and mixed C2 races will have an extra 2 km loop at the end around an island in the middle of French Lake, and the short races (peewee, bantam, North Canoe) will just do the 2 km loop around the island.

The preliminary schedule (additional classes can be added as necessary):

Thursday, July 2nd

0800 to 09:00 – registration on site (note – local time will be Central Daylight Time)

1000 hours C2 Rec Male, Female Jr, Sr, Mr 18 km

1010 hours C1, K1, OC1 Male Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 18 km

1020 hours C2, K2, OC2 Female Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 18 km

1330 hours C1, K1, OC1 Male, female Bantam 2 km

1500 hours C1, K1, OC1 Female Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 18 km

1510 hours C2, K2, OC2 Male Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 20 km

Friday, July 3rd

0800 to 0900 hours – registration on site

0930 hours C2 Rec Mixed Jr, Sr, M 18 km

0940 hours C2, K2, OC2 Mixed Jr, Sr, M1, M2, M3 20 km

1300 hours C2 Male, Female, Mixed Bantam 2 km

1400 hours North Canoe TBA any 2 km

1500 hours C2 Adult/Peewee, Adult/Bantam, Adult/Junior 2km

1700 hours – Awards Presentations and Draw for Travel Expense – in view of the travel
distance involved, and the expense to OMCRA members, $600 has been
donated, which will be drawn as a random draw – first draw $100, second
draw $200, and third and final draw $300. To be eligible to win, you must
be an adult OMCRA member, have traveled at least 800 km from your
full time place of residence, and be present at the awards ceremony.

For further information, contact:
OMCRA – Wayne Gregory – 905-454-4984 –
Quetico Park Office – Chris Stromberg – 807-597-5028 -

Chuck Ryan

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