Saturday, January 10, 2009

Twin Cities Photography Club

I’ve wanted to take some photography classes for a while, but I just never got serious enough to look for some. Also, during the spring, summer and fall I’m usually busy doing some other outside physical activity, such as canoe racing, wilderness canoe trips, cycling, etc. and work/ job that there just isn’t enough time for some other things I would like to be doing. This winter I’ve been going to the health club just about everyday, but I haven’t gone x-country skiing.

In December I finally decided to check around for a photography club and classes in the Minneapolis area. Since I have a Nikon camera I joined the Nikonians Forum,, and this is where I got the idea to look up a photography group on The post I was reading on the Nikonians forum said they don’t call them clubs anymore but meetups. Well, I found this Club on the meetup. The name of it is the Twin Cities Photography Club,

Last Wednesday, 01-07-09, I attended their first board meeting for the year. There were about 10 to 12 of us. We all introduced ourselves and there was a wide range of photography experience within the group. I plan to go to some of the photo shoots as my time allows me to do so. This should expose me to other types of photography other than all the photos I take on my canoe trips.

In addition to the photography meetup group, I signed up for an advance marco photography class put on by Karl Blomseth of InBeaute Studio. This class is held at the studio. Karl calls his workshops the Fertile Mind Foto Workshops. This class begins on Saturday, 01-31-09, and runs for 5 Saturdays.

I’m also attending another meetup class with the Minnesota Strobist group to do some studio work with off camera flash with live models. I’ve never done this before and it should be fun. There is another person who is involved with both meetup groups that offered to show me before hand the technique used for the Strobist group before the actual February 15 Strobist meetup. Hopefully I can do that in the next couple of weeks. Here are a couple links about the Strobist group. and

I went out tonight and took a photo of the moon. I thought it was pretty good until I saw someone else’s photo of the moon on another forum. Oh well, it’s a good photo of the moon for me.

I will probably post some of my photos once I actually get out and take some.

Last week I received an e-mail from Bo Bowers aka QPassage who has Wilderness Passages CD Magazine. He wanted my permission to use my trip report, Quetico’s Trees, Rocks and Water: A Solo Journey in the next edition.


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