Sunday, January 18, 2009

My First Lighting Workshop...

The Twin Cities Photography Club that I recently joined held a Lighting Workshop at one of the members (Luke Luther) studio in downtown St. Paul. It was held on Thursday, 01-15-09. There were approximately 12 of us who attended.

This was my first experience with shooting with lights and a model. Most of my photos are of trees, rocks and water. I had no knowledge what I was doing a head of time. I did learn a lot, but I have so much more to learn.

Since the shoot I have been doing some studying. I’ve started to read, Light Science & Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting by Fil Hunter, Steven Biver and Paul Fuqua.

I’ve also purchased the Nikon Schools DVD, A Hands-on Guide to Creative Lighting with Bob Krist and Joe McNally. I found this DVD excellent.

Here are some of the photos I took that night. I want to thank Luke for allowing us to use his studio and equipment and to our model, Sharon.

Again, this was the my first experience at this.

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