Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I gave my permission to use one of my photos...

I forgot to mention, but last week I was contacted by Adam from bwca.com that someone had inquired about one of my photos. I gave Adam my contact information to give to her.

Sara from Elite Photography, http://www.elitephotographs.com/about_us ,called me and she wanted my permission to use one of my photos for a book, Been There, Done That, that she wrote and is about to go to print. There is a section on the BWCA so she needed a photo. She told me she had hoped to get to the BWCA this summer. but never made it. I gave her my ok. Good luck with your book. Sara, if you have time to read my blog, let me know when the book is ready and I will buy a copy of the book, but only if you sign it.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wabakimi Trip Posted

I posted my complete trip report on my other blog, CIIcanoe Canoes Wabakimi.



Sunday, September 14, 2008

Still working on my Wabakimi Trip Report...

I still have been working on my Wabakimi trip report. I've finished typing up the first draft from my journal. So far the report is 57 pages long. Yes, its has more detail that I thought it was going to have. I guess I'm more detail oriented than most, due to my occupation.

Here are some more facts about the trip:

Distance: 231.5 km (145 miles)

Portages: 44

Swifts paddled: 23

Swifts / Rapids lined or tracked: 9

Pull overs: 3

I haven't posted all the photos that I want to post on my other blog from the trip ,so I don't have a number on them.

This past week I've been going to the health club to lift weights more now that I'm winding down from the competitive paddling. I think I only went paddling twice, Monday and Saturday, for two hours each day. I've been cycling and running, too.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back on the Rum River over the week-end!!

It had been over a month since I was in my C-2 racing canoe. Ed Arenz and I paddled with some of the other racers on the Rum River this past Saturday, 09-06-08. It was a beautiful day to paddle. The skies were sunny and blue. The above photos were taken on Saturday.
On Sunday, 09-07-08, Dave Dahl, Io Harberts, Ed Arenz and I were the only ones paddling on the Rum today as a group. We did see Steve Yurista and Natasha Canfield paddling by themselves. Most of the people who paddled yesterday were going to ride bikes this morning. Today's weather was the opposite of yesterday. Cooler temperatures, cloudy skies and we were caught in a brief cool rain. We paddled for 1:55 yesterday and today's paddle was 2 hours and five minutes. The two photos below were taken on Sunday.
This was the first time I've paddled on the Rum River since May or June.

I've still been working on my Wabakimi narrative and I've been uploading some photos into my other blog that I took on the trip. I estimate there will be 200-300 photos once I'm done. I'm up to Day 9 of the narrative. I've basically have been typing my narrative directly from my journal. Once I'm done I think I'll have to shorten it.
Chuck Ryan

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CIIcanoe Canoes Wabakimi

Here is the link where I will post my Wabakimi trip report and photos when the report is done.

CIIcanoe Canoes Wabakimi


Chuck Ryan

Monday, September 1, 2008

Getting back to normal...stayed home for the Holiday week-end

Wabakimi Lake, Wabakimi

I decided to stay around home this holiday week-end instead of going up north to Grand Rapids. I’ve been gone to Michigan or Canada for most of the past month. I missed sleeping in my own Tempur-Pedic bed.

This past week I was able to get back on track with my work-outs. I got back home from our Wabakimi canoe trip on Sunday, 08-24-08. I took Monday off from any exercise, but started back on Tuesday. I paddled in my J-193 racing canoe on the Mississippi River for two hours and 15 minutes. There were some small waves and it took me a couple minutes to feel comfortable in the canoe after spending two weeks in a Souris River tripping canoe. It felt nice to feel the speed of my canoe, again.

On Wednesday, I went to LifeTime Fitness and worked out for an hour on the LifeFitness cross trainer machine; then I did some abs, back work and legs.

Thursday, it was back to paddling on the river again. It was only for one hour and 55 minutes, but I did an interval workout.

On Friday, I got out my Mt. Bike and did an hour and a half ride.

Saturday, I paddled for 3:30, went cycling for 1:31 and followed it up with an hour run in the park.

Sunday I just went for a two hour paddle.

Today, Monday, 09-01-08, I got out early for a 2:25 paddle. Then a 21 mile bike ride. I even went to the health club and lifted weights for my whole body. I lifted real light weights just enough to say I did something.

Last night and today I’ve been writing up my trip report for the Wabakimi canoe trip. I needed to take a break from that so that’s the reason for this posting. I just started day four of the narrative and I’m on page 18. This is the first draft. I’m still debating on how detailed I want to be.

I’m pretty sure that I’m going to put the complete narrative on its own blog with photos. Last year I wrote up a long trip report on my Quetico trip and posted it on a website. When I posted all the photos it threw the margins out of whack. I had to have the webmaster for the site correct the problem. I’m not going to go through that again and the fact that the site isn’t geared toward people paddling in Wabakimi.

Chuck Ryan