Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leaving in a few hours for Wabakimi

Pete Sukontaraks will be here in the morning to pick me up along with his canoe and pack he left here last Sunday. We will stay in Thunder Bay on Friday night. Saturday we will drive 150 miles further north to Armstrong to make our final preparations. The train ride to the put-in isn't until early Sunday morning. See my post a couple days ago, Wabakimi Update, for the itinerary and to the maps of our route.

I'm looking forward to the two week paddle. On Sunday, 08-23-08, we fly out of the park.

The water levels in the park have been high all year long. Here is a link to Canadian Canoe Routes ( about the Wabakimi water levels

Here is what someone else said on another forum who just got out of the park about the water levels.

"Based on our experience, you are taking the trip in small bites. We only travelled 3 days and two of the days were 16 and 14 miles and with the portage challenge, were plenty far for us each day.

Dave from Virginia was a great help giving us tips and advice before we left. He was right on about a lot of things. He will be a great member of your group.

It did rain on us every day exept one, and most were 15 minute showers off and on, until our last night where it rained all night raising concern that our float plane would be late, but the weather changes on a dime up there, both according to Dave and our experience as well.

Stock up on beverages and gas while taking 527 north from Thunder Bay. Its a 150 miles with no services.

And if you are taking the train, it can be late. Have someone call VIA early in the AM to find out the status of the train. Our train was 1.25 hours late, but the train last Sunday didn't show up until 1 PM....5 hours late. Have an excellent trip!

Water levels are at near record highs. We saw islands under water with trees surrounded by water. Some portages were inaccessible as the high water made the risk of getting sucked into rapids too great, so we had to bushwhack in some spots to get around rapids.The bugs are not bad, the two of us went through less than one can of bug spray. Mosquitoes are thick at dusk. Enjoy your trip..."

Here is our itinerary again.

Maps are under the other post if you're interested.

Chuck Ryan

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