Sunday, July 20, 2008

AuSable Canoe Marathon time...almost

The AuSable Canoe Marathon is only a few days away. The last time I did this race was in 2000. I was also registered to do this race in 2002, but my partner decided not to do the race two weeks before the race and I couldn’t find anyone else to go at the last minute.

Those of you who are into canoeing can follow the race while it’s in progress. The race is updated at each check point. The race is 120 miles long and starts at 9 pm (EST) Saturday night, 07-26-08.

Bill and I are doing our sprint at 2:25 pm (EST) on Friday, 07-25-08. There should be a short video clip of us just before the start of our sprint.

Keith Canny, Lee Jarpey, Dave Dahl and Doug Berg are already out in Michigan. I believe they all were doing Spike’s Challenge today. Io Harberts and Joe Dunaisky are leaving for Michigan on Wednesday, also. I believe they all are doing their sprints on Thursday.
Here is a short video of today's start of Spike's Challenge.
The results for 2008 Spike's are now posted:

There’s a lot of information on the AuSable Canoe Marathon website. Check it out!!!!!!

I had about 175 hours in the canoe in 2000 at this time and I was coming off a back injury. I had about 203 hours paddling just before the AuSable in 2002. Today I went over the 200 hour mark with my paddle on the Mississippi River with Io Harberts. Today there were five C-2’s. Io and I paddled for 2:45.

Later, I went for a ride on my Mt. Bike for 1:55. I met up with three of the ladies from the cardio kickboxing class. I went looking for them last week but I guess they haven’t ridden on Sunday for a few weeks.

The last few days I’ve been getting the canoe and myself ready for the trip to Michigan. I will leave Wednesday morning. I will pick up Bill Briggs, Fred Rayman and Chris Gerwing in Duluth then head east..

Kate Ellis asked me last Monday when we were paddling if I was getting excited about doing the race. I think it’s more that I am looking forward to the race. I find it hard to really get excited about paddling that many hours, but I am looking forward to it. Alright, maybe I’m getting a little excited now.

Here is what I did for training this week. I posted my Monday paddle with Kate.

Tuesday, 07-15-08

I got in 2 hours and ten minutes in my C-1 on the Mississippi River.

Wednesday, 07-16-08

No paddling. I went for an hour run. It was really hot and humid. I did seven sprints of about 100 yards each during the run. Afterwards, I went to the health club where I did only leg extensions for my legs. I did abs, back and stretches before going home.

Thursday, 07-17-08

I paddled with Andy Gilbertson who is new to paddling. We got 3rd place in the Men’s Racing class with a time of 1:06:33.

Friday, 07-18-08

On the Mississippi River again in my C-1 for 2 hours and ten minutes.

Saturday, 07-19-08

I did 4 hours and twenty minutes in my C-1 on the Mississippi River.

When I get back from this trip I will be home about a week before I go on a two week wilderness canoe trip to Wabakimi. Actually I’ll be gone a few more days as it’s actually 14 days of paddling. This is the trip where I’m going with 3 other guys. We will take the train to our put-in, paddled for two weeks and fly out.


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