Friday, May 23, 2008

Snake River Canoe Race Article in Silent Sports Magazine

Joel Patenaude, editor for Silent Sports, told me today that the June issue of Silent Sports is hot off the press. A scaled down version of my article, Snake River Canoe Race, is in the June issue. I had sent him a couple photos earlier, so there should be a couple photos with the article.

I don’t know if it’s on the news stands yet, but check it out when it does. Here is the website:

Yesterday, 05-22-08, I was on the Mississippi River in my C-1 for two hours and five minutes. I forgot my camera. Prior to paddling I did a short run.

Tonight after work I decided not to paddle since I plan to put in about 6 hours tomorrow. I have a partner for about 4 of those 6 hours so I might be back in my C-1 for the last 2. I’ll have to see what tomorrow brings.

I went for another short run of about 23 minutes, then hopped on my road bike for 20.7 miles (1:18). Afterwards it was to the club to lift some light weights for a short leg workout. I finished up doing abs, back exercises and stretches.


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