Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reason for this Blog!

Well, I've had a few requests from a few people lately asking about some of the narratives and photos that I’ve posted on the web. I have been putting the links in an e-mail and sending them, so I thought it would be easier to put the information in a blog.

I’ve also had a couple requests about Marathon Canoe Racing. Although, I stopped racing in 2004 I just might get back into it if I can continue to train like I have been since the first of the year. I really like the sport, but I don’t like to race unless I’m I shape.

Since January 1st my weight was up to 170 pounds and for the past month I’ve been 147 to 149 pounds. I’ll probably end up a few pounds heavier once I spend more hours on the river paddling and begin taking in more calories.

I was going to enter a C1 race in Wisconsin on April 19th, but I haven’t that many hours in the canoe yet. So the next race is the Snake River on May 3rd

I have also been trying to get some miles on my road bike as I sent in my money to do the Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride on April 26th. . I last did this ride in the 80’s. I used to do a lot of bike riding in the 80’s and early 90’s. I plan to do the 100 mile ride if I get some more miles in, but I’ll have the option of the 62 mile route.

Today, I was at the health club lifting weights for about 2 hours, then did one hour on the LifeFitness machine. Later on I got on my Mountain Bike in the cold rain that changed over to a wet snow. When I started the temperature was 42 degrees and when I finished it was 37. The winds were around 20 mph. I didn’t have any covers over my cycling shoes so they got totally wet. By the time I got home 1:38 later both feet were numb.


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